Prof. L M Patnaik
Visits Abroad
( upto 2010 only)
- Visited Sri Lanka, Colombo to attend “EDUCON – A Symposium of Vice-Chancellors/Directors of Indian Universities/Institutions”, organised by The EDUCON (a common platform for dialogue and intense interaction between all the people involved in betterment of education scenario across India), 21-23 Aug 2010.
- Visited Bankok, Thailand to attend the ‘Symposium of Vice-Chancellor/Directors of Indian Universities/leading institutions”, held from 20th to 23rd August, 2009, organised by The EDUCON (a common platform for dialogue and intense interaction between all the people involved in betterment of education scenario across India) at Bankok, Thailand.
- Visited Beijing and Shanghai to attend the Ninth General Conference and Twentieth Anniversary Celebrations of the TWAS (Oct 2003).
- Visited Bath, Bristol, London, and York to attend EPSRC-sponsored Workshops in the area of Ubiquitous Computing and deliver seminars in this area (Sep 2003).
- Visited University of Central Florida, Florida International University, and University of Miami, USA, Nov 2002.
- Visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The International Institute of Software Technology, The UN University (July-Aug 2002).
- Visited University of New Castle upon Tyne, University of Manchester, University of Surrey in UK as part of the Royal Society – Indian National Science Academy exchange programme (Jan-Feb 2001).
- Visited the National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Washington, USA, July-Aug 2000.
- Visited Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok,Thailand to deliver seminars in the areas of Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Computing (March 2000).
- Visited Lousiana State University, Baton Rouga, USA and Intel, Portland, USA to deliver seminars in the areas of Mobile Computing and to receive the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Achievement Award at the IEEE Board of Governors Meeting in Portland, USA, (November 1999).
- Visited Singapore to attend the High Performance Computing Asia 98 Conference, to deliver seminar at the National University of Singapore, University of Putra, Kaula Lumpur;Penang Skill Development Centre, Penang to deliver seminars (September 98).
- Visited the Maui High Performace Computing Centre, Maui, Hawaii, USA; University of Hawaii, Honolulu, National University of Singapore, and attended Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference with EDA Techno Fair’98, Yokohama, Japan (February 98).
- Visited Sung Kyun Kwan University, Ajou University in Seoul, Korea; Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China (May 97).
- Visited Maui High Performance Computing Centre in Hawaii, Aizu University, Waseda University, NTT LSI Labs, and Toshiba in Tokyo; University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Cirkisys Technology Ltd in Hong Kong (July 96).
- Visited Laboratoire MASI, University of Paris, France, University of North Texas Denton, Dallas, USA, Cambridge University and Oxford University, UK (1993).
- Visited University of California Irvine, University of Southern California, University of California Los Angeles, Texas A & M University, University of Florida Gainsville, University of North Carolina Raliegh, University of Oklahoma, Laboratoire MASI, University of Paris, France, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Georgia Institute of University, Monash University, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia (1992).
- Visited IEEE Sections of Brisbane, Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Singapore as the first IEEE Region 10 Distinguished Lecturer for 1990; Asian Institute of Technology, Bankok; University of Melbourne;University of Waikato, NeWZealand; National University of Singapore; Monash University, and Crisholm Institute of Technology, Australia;Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok;James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia (1990).
- Visited University of Illinois, Urbana; Oakland University, Detroit; General Motors, Detroit; University of Windsor, Canada; Rutgers University, New York; State University of New York, Buffalo; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; NASA Ames Research Laboratory, California; IBM Thomas J Watson Research Laboratory, New York; and The Ohio State University, Columbus; all in U.S.A. (1989).
- Visited Jozef Stefan Institute, Edvard Kardelj University Ljubljana, Yugoslavia; Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest Hungary, and ETH Zurich Switzerland, as part of an Academic Exchange Programme of the Indian National Science Academy (1987).